Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What qualifies something to be a sport? An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against or other for entertainment. So something involving a ball rules and competitiveness, refs. Sports that are identified as “sports” but shouldn’t be a sport is NASCAR, hot dog, eating contest etc…… There could be a 24 hour agreement on what sports should be identified as a sports and what shouldn’t be a sport because everyone has their own opinions and imputes. But for something to be a sport like I said in the first sentence it has to be an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against or other for entertainment I could say Poker is not a sport because it’s not entertaining but the definition of a sport technically it is a sport because that’s their talent and they compete against each other to win money. It has to be somewhat entertaining and enjoyable to watch in my opinion to be a sport and have a lot of competitiveness or else it isn’t fun to watch because no one is into it.
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Hockey are in my opinion the main sports in our country and are the most entertaining to watch and have the most competitiveness between the two teams that are going against each other. The NFL is the most entertaining because of the fast pace and hitting involved and you never know what’s going to happen the next play, there’s a lot of suspense involved because a big play can happen any moment. Hockey, Baseball, Basketball are the same thing anything can happen and are very fun to watch and should actually be called a sport unlike other event’s like nothing hot dog eating contest, NASCAR, Poker, Ping Pong.
Sport’s that should not be considered a sport are Golf, curling, pole vault and roller blading should not be considered a sport just because the way the game is played. For it to be considered a sport and be somewhat interesting it needs to have athletic ability, strength, and endurance, strategy, competition and somewhat of defense for it to be qualified as a sport. In those sports that I named that don’t qualify to be a sport none of those sports require defense, athletic ability strategy and competition which is required in all sports because you’re competing against another person or team. Golf should definitely be a sport just because you’re competing and it requires strength and somewhat of athletic ability you for sure cannot be fat and have no clue what you’re doing because it takes some strength to hit a golf ball far and swing it fast. It takes talent to play football, baseball, hockey, basketball and I guess soccer but not as much talent for the three other main sports. It’s a proven fact that one of the hardest things to do is hit a 90 mph fastball just because you have such little time to react and make an adjustment if it’s off speed or a fastball. But also skating is also a hard thing to get down and football takes a lot of strength and conditioning to be good and need to have good hands and athletic ability same goes for basketball.

Finally I have made my argument on what qualifies something to be a sport and what should be a sport in the first couple paragraphs. The Sports I named that should not be a sport are Golf, Curling, pole vault and roller blading that shouldn’t be a sport. And the sports that are real and completive and the whole world loves are football, baseball, basketball, and hockey take real talent and athletic ability to be able to play and compete. Last “sport” that shouldn’t be a sport and is televised on espn is World series of poker which should never be on TV because all it shows is people dealing tokens and guys with sunglasses so that’s another one that shouldn’t be a sport. The only main sports on TV that people enjoy to watch and would pay money to go watch are Football, basketball, baseball, hockey that everyone enjoys.

Friday, May 22, 2015

In the movie Seabiscuit the role of the press and the radio had a very big impact on the horse and the situation that the horse is in with a big race coming up. Throughout the whole movie Howard uses the media/radio to get seabiscuits name out there and get recognized into the horse racing world. When it came time to racing Admiral Howard called out the owner in all areas of the media and made seabiscuit get more attention because of Howard. All of the attention from the media made seabiscuit a very popular horse and got peoples attention to come seabiscuit race, people from all over the world came to see him race because of all the media they've heard about him. Without the media it would have been a lot harder to become a famous horse because without media you can't get popular because no ones hearing it besides if your there seeing him run for yourself. With all the media and eyes on seabiscuit it made it hard for him to relax because he was on the spotlight and everyone expected him to have a good race because of what they've heard from the radio and the media. So that is how the media played a huge role in seabiscuit.

There are many lessons that can be drawn from the seabiscuit team and all the success they had with him. Some lessons are staying strong at all times even when an injury occurs you just have to fight through it and get better. You have to stay positive and not get down on yourself because an injury happened you have to realize and say to yourself I'm going to get better and come back even stronger,  not lose a race so you can prove the media wrong and show them your back stronger then ever. The man who saved him saved that even though the horse was struggling at first you have to stick with it and have confidence in that horse knowing there's something special in that horse and were going to win every race from here on out. When Seabiscuit got injured he didn't give up one bit he gets better from his injury and fights through all the adversity and rough times that are happening while your injured and know that your gonna race another day when you come back from the injury and win that first race your in ever since you got injured. Those are some lessons we can learn from the movie seabiscuit and take as life lessons because that's how everyone's mindset should be that you'll come back stronger and better the ever.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So the NFL suspended Tom Brady for 4 games for knowing about the footballs being deflated but they have no proof of him knowing the balls were deflated besides the fact that the they saw text messages of the people who put air into the balls text messages is absurd. Ray Rice KNOCKED out his girlfriend and got suspended for two games,,,,,,,, TWO, Greg hardy assaulted a girl and is suspended for a couple of games both of  ray rice and Greg hardy should be suspended for the entire season and longer. Tom Brady is getting suspended for knowing about a situation but no proof or evidence that he told them to do that mean while you have Ray rice and greg hardy beating up women and they get suspended for less games, so you an officially say the NFL is a Joke and everyones against the patriots because they've been the best team in the NFL the past decade. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

                                                                   NBA Playoffs
                           With Steph Curry winning The MVP award as everyone was expecting the warriors are still the hottest team in the NBA as they swept the pelicans the first round and now are already off to a hot start against Memphis. The Cav's swept the Celtics as everyone was expecting that because of how young they are and are very inexperienced, and the cavs have Lebron, Kevin Love, and Kyrie Irving so it would have been tough for them to win the series. The best and most even series in the first round was the Spurs and Clippers which the clippers ended up winning in game 7 from a great shot by Chris Paul that put them up by 2 the spurs were the defending champs and are always a scary team come playoff time even with there old age. It should be an interesting rest of playoffs to see what the warriors, rockets, clippers, cavs, bulls, hawks a young wizards team which improves every year in the playoffs.